2021 Winter PD Sessions

See below for the recorded sessions, links to resources and full schedule from the 2022 Winter PD Sessions.

Basic Te Reo terms and integrating them into your workplace delivered by Andrew Tara


Te Reo Greetings | Generic Pepeha Examples

Maximising the use of social media to promote cricket delivered by Andy Morrison and James Bennett

Best practice in event delivery delivered by Anthony Bowler


12 Week Project Plan Template

Having critical or challenging conversations - toolkit and techniques delivered by Rosemary Hume (Hume Learning)

Managing time and skills to prioritise delivered by Rosemary Hume (Hume Learning)

Managing your club's health and safety delivered by Andrew Love


NZC Health & Safety Policy | NZC Emergency Procedures | Game Day Safety Checklist | Injury Report Form

Presentation skills delivered by Rosemary Hume (Hume Learning)


DOPE Personality Test

Embracing a growth mindset delivered by Rosemary Hume (Hume Learning)


Carol Dweck Mindset Reading | Success Through Effort Video

Emotional intelligence and understanding self delivered by Rosemary Hume (Hume Learning)


Emotional Intelligence Skills Reading