Game On is an interactive resource designed to provide a simple and easily understood reference guide on everything to do with the community game.
Useful for personnel responsible for the preparation and delivery of cricket surfaces across New Zealand.
Designed to enable clubs to assess their policies, procedures and performance. Also helps to identify areas that work well or areas in need of improvement.
This guideline sets out NZC's commitment to providing a safe, positive and fun environment for children and vulnerable adults who play cricket.
The purpose of the NZC Concussion Policy is to guide the identification and management of concussion and to provide best-practice guidelines to all those involved in community cricket.
The purpose of the NZC Helmet Policy is to adopt a formal position on helmet safety, ensuring all cricketers receive the very highest standard of helmet protection, whether batting or fielding (in specific positions).
The purpose of the NZC Youth Pace Bowling Load Recommendations, is to guide young pace bowlers through their season loading in order to reduce the risk of injury.
In April 2016, new health and safety legislation came into force in New Zealand. If your Association is a PCBU (Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking), the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) will apply to how you manage health and safety risks.
The below guides and tools are designed to help you understand HSWA – both its purpose and intent – and help you achieve positive health and safety outcomes at your Association or Club.
Note: The link will take you to 'Dropbox'. If you do not have a Dropbox account, click on 'No thanks, continue to view' to go to the folder.
The Community Heart Programme has been designed to make it easy for every cricket club in New Zealand to obtain an AED for the safety of their players, officials and spectators.
The following guidelines have been prepared by NZC to support the playing and training of community cricket under the COVID Protection Framework.
Playing in the COVID Protection Framework
Training in the COVID Protection Framework
Health & Safety
Understanding Your Health & Safety Responsibilities
Recommended Sanitiser
NZC recommends that any hand sanitiser used be alcohol based with a minimum of 80% alcohol content for the best result. *Alcohol-free hand sanitizers and disinfectant wipes can also be used.
Important Links
Useful for your Board and Staff to guide their decision-making around inclusivity so we truly act in ways that deliver cricket as a game for all New Zealanders. This includes a Governance Inclusivity Policy.
These practical guides and tools are designed to help you understand how to better engage women to help you achieve positive governance outcomes at your Association or Club.
They include aspects such as Motivations of female volunteers; Defining your Board’s needs; Wording for adverts and role descriptions; Finding and engaging female candidates; and Appointment and induction that enables diversity:
Governance 101 for Cricket is an online training course for all Board members to undertake, at a time that suits them, to improve their governance knowledge and skills:
The Aspiring Directors Programme is a way for Major Association Boards to promote the benefits for females to be involved in the leadership and oversight of cricket. It exposes a Board to greater diversity of thinking in the short-term and develop potential candidates for the future roles.
A Females in Governance Induction Day is an approach to build the knowledge, confidence and connections amongst the female directors involved in cricket across each region.
The governance guides and tools below should help your Board or Committee lead and oversee cricket more effectively in general. They include aspects such as Defining your Board/Committee needs; Generic role descriptions and appointments processes; Induction process; CEO performance management tools; Board work-plans and agenda setting; Running effective meetings; Sport NZ Governance Mark:
In 2016, NZC commissioned the 'Women and Cricket Report' to stimulate conversation across the New Zealand cricket community about the need for change, and to help us shape our journey ahead.
This report was the catalyst for significant change in cricket across New Zealand.
In 2022, a 'six years on' report was published. This provided a snapshot of the progress made across the New Zealand cricket community.
New Zealand Cricket is committed to clean sport. We believe in protecting the health of our athletes, the integrity of our sport and the spirit of clean competition in which the best succeed. We work in collaboration with Drug Free Sport New Zealand (DFSNZ), our national anti-doping agency, to:
Anit-doping 101:
You can learn key anti-doping basics by taking the short online e-learning course Clean Sport 101.
Got questions?
You can contact DFSNZ at any time for clean sport support, information, education or resources. Phone 0800 DRUGFREE (378 437), email info@drugfreesport.org.nz or explore their website at drugfreesport.org.nz.
We have adopted New Zealand’s Sports Anti-Doping Rules. The rules apply to all New Zealand Cricket members, no matter your role or level of play. The Rules cover much more than just testing positive – they also prohibit things like possessing, purchasing or distributing banned substances and tampering with or evading the testing process.
If you violate the Rules– even by accident – you risk a sanction that can include a ban from all sport and disqualification of your results. The quickest and easiest way to protect yourself is by reading about the Rules – and the Rule violations – on DFSNZ’s website.
Some substances and methods are banned in sport. Each year, the World Anti-Doping Agency publishes a list of all those substances and methods in the WADA Prohibited List. Substances can be included on the list if they meet any two of the following criteria:
Even common medications can contain banned substances. Athletes need to check every medication before taking it to avoid an anti-doping rule violation. Search for every medication – before you take it! – on Global DRO to find out if it’s prohibited in sport.
A Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) allows you to take a medication containing a banned substance if you need to do so for medical reasons.
Some athletes must apply for their TUE in advance, before they begin using any prohibited medications or methods. Other athletes can apply retroactively.
You can be tested at anytime, anywhere and without any prior warning. Failing to complete a test when notified may lead to an anti-doping sanction.
Supplements are a risk for all athletes DFSNZ don’t approve any supplements or their use because of this risk. Athletes can and do test positive because of contaminated supplements.
Nevertheless, many athletes choose to use supplements or are on a supplement programme. If that’s you, it’s important to make an informed decision. Drug Free Sport New Zealand’s Supplement Decision-Making Guide shows you ways you can minimise – but not eliminate – supplement risk.
The Athlete Whereabouts programme is used worldwide to make sure athletes can be located for testing. Athletes on a testing pool must update their Whereabouts every quarter to protect the integrity of sport and to stay within the Sports Anti-Doping Rules.
The Athletes’ Anti-Doping Rights Act protects an athlete’s fundamental right to participate in clean sport, promoting health, fairness and equal opportunity for all athletes worldwide.
Speak Out is a way for anyone in sport to report doping concerns in confidence. You don’t need the full story. And get in touch even if it seems minor – they use every piece of information.
Phone DFSNZ at 0800 DRUGFREE (378 437) or use their anonymous web form.