Nau mai, whakapiripiri mai – Welcome!

E te tī, e te tā, e ngā karangatanga maha o te motu, mauri ora ki a koutou katoa

Nau mai ki te pae whārangi ipurangi mo te kirikiti Māori – welcome to the webpage for Māori cricket.

Here you can find information and keep up with all the latest news in Māori Cricket.


Te Reo Māori Programmes 

Māori Wāhine National Tournament

Following the success of the Māori Men’s National Tournament, an inaugural Wāhine Māori National Tournament was held at Cornwall Park, Hastings, in 2023.

The most recent Wāhine Māori National Tournament was held in Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland, in 2025.

For more information on the 2025 tournament, click below.

Māori Tane National Tournament

The inaugural National Māori Tane Tournament was held in Whangārei in April, 2023, featuring New Zealand's finest Māori cricket players.

The most recent Māori Tane National Tournament was held in Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland, in 2025.

To watch a wrap video from the 2025 National Māori Tournament, click below.

Mikaere Leef (Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāti Pūkenga) and Dusan Hakaraia (Ngāpuhi) will represent Northern Māori and Tamaki Makaurau Māori (Auckland Māori) respectively this Easter (7th - 9th April) at the inaugural Māori National Men's Tournament.

Get to know both men better by clicking the button below.

Māori Secondary Schools

Established in 2017 the Māori Secondary Schoolboy and Schoolgirl sides are designed for secondary school cricketers of Māori whakapapa to represent their whānau, hāpu, iwi and kura.

Initially playing a Governor General's XI, the teams now play in the Rangatahi Cricket Festival, which has now run for three seasons.

New Zealand Cricket’s Māori Secondary Schoolboys and Schoolgirls faced a new challenge in January 2023, that of the inaugural Pasifika Schoolboy and Schoolgirl teams.

Click below to hear from coaches of the Pasifika and Māori Schools teams as they recap the Rangatahi Cricket Festival and the experience for their players.

NZC would like to thank all our supporters for making this Festival a reality.


CRIC-KIDS is an education resource developed for the ICC Women’s Cricket World Cup 2022 (CWC22) available in te reo Māori.

Download CRIC-KIDS now by clicking below.


For more information on Māori cricket please contact:

David Bhana:

Māori National Tournament 2023 | Mikaere Leef

Mikaere Leef (Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāti Pūkenga, Ngā Puhi) will represent Northern Māori this Easter (7th - 9th April) at the inaugural Māori National Men's Tournament.

Māori Secondary Schools players train with Australian Women's Team