Yeah! Girls

Cricket, but not as you know it.

What is Yeah! Girls?

Yeah! Girls was developed by NZC during the 2018/19 season, in order to provide a dedicated girls-only cricket programme for young New Zealand wāhine.

Sessions are girls-only for 10–17 year olds, and all about giving it a go. Girls don’t need to have played cricket before or need any equipment – our friendly activators will teach them everything you need to know, and supply all the equipment needed!

Yeah! Girls aims to develop skills in an action-packed environment, with an emphasis on having fun with friends and being active.

Yeah! Girls Hubs generally run for 4–6 weeks, with one session held each week. Sessions are a maximum of 60 minutes in duration.

Yeah! Girls is delivered by Activators who have completed NZC’s training programme.

Yeah! Girls is changing the game.

NZC supports Sport NZ’s ‘Balance is Better’ approach to youth sport. We want young New Zealanders being active, trying different sports and having fun while they do it. 

Sport NZ’s ‘Balance is Better’ offers a fresh way of thinking for those involved in delivering youth sport in New Zealand. With youth participation levels declining, it’s about creating quality experiences for all young people to keep them active and in the game.

Balance is Better focuses on how to encourage participation at all levels and develop skill at the right pace.


This document was designed to showcase the multitude of female participation opportunities across Junior and Youth Cricket. Check out the full document by clicking below:


Yeah! Girls

Yeah! Girls: Porirua East Hub

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