Development Courses

Development Course

Our Development Coaching Course is delivered both practically and online. It’s targeted to coaches coaching youth hardball cricket, district yr 7-8 cricket, junior secondary school and 1st XI girls Cricket and youth club cricket. The course covers critical knowledge around the technical and tactical elements of cricket, as well as coaching philosophy, understanding how learning happens in your participants and growth and maturation of teenagers.

The online component of the course can be completed at any time from the comfort of your home.

Recommended for:

Coaches of secondary school kids (year 9-10), secondary school girls teams, youth coaches and district yr 7-8 coaches. Also suitable for anyone who coaches teenagers who wants to continue to learn and understand how to get the best out of them.


Online Module: Approximately 150-180 minutes
Practical Module: 9 hours, generally split up across two-four different workshops

Cost: $40

Contact Major Association

Advanced Development Course 

Our Advanced Development Coaching Course is delivered both practically and online. It’s targeted to coaches coaching senior secondary school cricket (1st XI), MA/DA representative cricket (U15/17/19) and senior club cricket. The course covers critical knowledge around the technical and tactical elements of cricket, as well as key principles of planning, understanding yourself as a coach, self-reflection and understanding the mental skills necessary to perform.

The online component of the course can be completed at any time from the comfort of your home.

Recommended for:

Coaches of secondary school kids (year 11-13), MA and DA representative teams and senior club coaches. Also suitable for anyone who coaches teenagers or talented youth cricketers who want to continue to learn and understand how to get the best out of them.


Online Module: Approximately 120 minutes
Practical Module: 12 hours, generally split up across two-four different workshops

Cost: $60

Contact Major Association

Performance Coach Programme

Coaches who have completed a level two coaching qualification and/or an advanced development qualification or can display they have the suitable experience and skills that equate to a level two/advanced development coach. Coaches also need to be actively coaching at the following level/s as a minimum:

  • MA U19
  • MA ‘A’
  • DA Hawke Cup
  • Premier Club Side in a major metropolitan center


Length: Ten months, utilising various delivery methods

Cost: $900


Performance Coach Programme Presentation
