PlayHQ, NZC and Cricket Association staff will be running club & association training sessions to help administrators and scorers upskill ahead of the 2024-25 cricket season.
This page has virtual training opportunities. Contact your local cricket association for in-person training opportunities.
National Virtual Club Starter sessions are designed to help club administrators to familiarize themselves with everything needed to get the season up and running and to manage teams, participants and all other parts of the admin portal in PlayHQ.
This includes Stripe, mailchimp, organisations details, vouchers and merchandise, team management and participant management.
To upskill in your own time, watch PlayHQ Club Starter "How To" Videos.
National Virtual Game Day sessions are designed for scorers and other "game day" users.
This session includes a refresher for e-scoring including all the new improvements in the platform, and the best use of MyTeams for coaches, managers and captains.
To upskill in your own time, watch PlayHQ Game Day Management "How To" Videos
Are you new to scoring on PlayHQ? Do feel like a refresher session would help you before scoring again? Why not attend one of our NZC PlayHQ E-Scoring Training sessions!
National E-Scoring Training Sessions are for scorers and other "game day" users. These online sessions are designed for new scorers and volunteers who are beginning their PlayHQ scoring journey.
These sessions include: a refresher video for e-scoring, updates on new improvements made within the platform, answers to FAQ from scorers and guidance on the best use of MyTeams for coaches, managers and captains.
For more information please contact ashleigh.tonkin@nzc.nz.