Junior cricket is fun and fast-paced, targeted at primary and intermediate school aged tamariki.
Through modified formats and ways to play, cricket accommodates different ages and stages of development.
Smash Play junior-tamariki is a national cricket programme and the best way to introduce kids to cricket. The focus is on fun, in an action-packed environment.
It’s all about maximum involvement, with a focus on game play and values. There is no requirement to join a team or have a specific number of players. Just come along and join in the fun!
ANZ Junior Game is team-based cricket, and the next step for children who are ready to move on from Smash Play junior-tamariki or other introductory programmes.
Children can have fun learning through play. Games and the environment are modified so children can continue to develop their skills in an age and stage appropriate setting.
This means; shorter pitch lengths, fewer players and shortened boundaries. Think faster, more action, more balls in play, fewer wides. Think more fun.
Find out what people think about ANZ Junior Game HERE
Ready to join a team? Find a place to play near you
Want to know more? Download the supporting documents below;
Primary School
How to Play
Pitch and Boundary Set Up
Intermediate School
How to Play
Pitch and Boundary Set Up
How to Play
Pitch and Boundary Set Up
Cricket Equipment
Size Guide
Cup and Shield (Year 7 and 8) Tournaments Update
A review of the tournament structure is underway, to ensure year 7 and 8 cricket is being delivered in the most positive way, providing quality experiences for all.
Associations across New Zealand are currently trialing various options at a regional level.
Further details on the disestablishment of the Cup and Shield Tournaments can be found HERE