The Sir Jack Newman Award is community cricket's premier award, recognising an outstanding junior cricket administrator for his or her past and present services to the development of junior cricket in New Zealand.
The Gillette Venus Young Player of the Year Award is awarded to a player who excels at NZC's Gillette Venus National Tournament for secondary school girls.
The Gillette Cup Young Player of the Year Award is awarded to a player who excels at NZC's Gillette Cup National Tournament for secondary school boys.
The Club of the Year Award recognises a cricket club that displays good practice and strengths in areas such as: planning, leadership, financial management, volunteer strategy, membership, coach and player development and community engagement.
The Volunteer of the Year Award acknowledges a volunteer who shows passion and commitment to cricket that exceeds expectations. This award is designed to recognise the valuable contribution that volunteers make to cricket in the community.
The Community Cricket Official of the Year Award acknowledges an official who has been responsible for officiating community cricket and has shown outstanding passion and commitment, upholding the spirit of cricket during the current and past seasons.
The Community Cricket Activator of the Year Award recognises an association’s community cricket delivery staff member or activator, who has shown outstanding passion and commitment towards the delivery of cricket within their area.
The Community Cricket Best Female Engagement Initiative Award acknowledges an association/club/school for a cricket engagement initiative which provides females with a quality cricket experience during the cricket season.
The Outstanding Contribution and Services to Coaching Award recognises an individual who has made a significant contribution to community coaching over many years.
The Outstanding Contribution to Cricket Award recognises an individual who has made a significant contribution to community cricket over many years.
The Community Cricket Best Diversity and Inclusion Initiative Award acknowledges an association/club/school for a cricket engagement initiative which provides an innovative way to support opportunities for a diverse and inclusive cricket experience. The initiative would have encouraged communities to participate in cricket who may have previously been overlooked, provide opportunities for participants to improve their skills and lead into unique cricketing opportunities.
The Community Cricket Collaboration Initiative of the Year Award acknowledges an association/club/school for a cricket engagement initiative that has formed community lead partnerships, fostered collaboration and created new opportunities to provide positive outcomes within their cricket community.