Tic-Tac-Toe Challenge | Korewhiti

10 minutes
Skill focus
Level 3
Group size
Small, Large & at Home
Playing in pairs or small teams, Smashies move, throw and catch across a tic tac toe grid to get three squares in a line. You’ve got to think and move quickly!
Setup, Equipment & Instructions
  • Set up a line 10 paces away from the edge of the 9 square “box” which is the throwing line.
  • Set up a line 5 paces from the edge of the box either off to the side, or on the opposite side, which is the “catchers” line.
  • One Smashie partner throws or lobs the ball towards the box, with their team-mate running into the box to try to catch the ball.
  • If the ball is caught before it bounces, then the Smashie team can claim the square in which the catch is made, placing their coloured cone in the square.
  • The other Smashie team then attempts their first throw and catch, with turns alternating between the teams.
  • The goal is to create a line of three squares in a row – noughts and crosses

Other details