Want to know more?
NZC are focused on providing quality experiences for all young cricketers. With
a focus on game play, and values, our aim is for cricket to provide enjoyment,
alongside the social and personal development playing sport with friends
Smash Play junior – tamariki is a cricket programme for juniors (5 – 12 year
olds). We know children learn through game play. They develop skills, develop
a love for an active and healthy lifestyle and enjoy being with friends and
With Smash Play junior-tamariki, every session has more hits, more touches, more catches, more action. More fun.
What is Smash Play junior-tamariki?

Session Planning
A simple guide to plan and deliver a session and combine sessions to create a 4-6 session programme.
NZC recommends:
• a session length of 30-45 minutes, with the shorter timeframe for younger age-groups.
• In each session, include up to three games (10 minutes per game), with ‘free play’ and a chance to reflect at the end
• To have a sustainable impact, 4 – 6 sessions are recommended
You can learn more here
Simple-to-use example sessions for Smash Play junior-tamariki focused on skill level or complexity.
Download the PDFs below
Simple-to-use example sessions for Smash Play junior-tamariki focused on values, rather than a specific cricket skill.
These sessions are ideal for a school environment, or for coaches and whānau wanting a new and different focus for their session.
Download the PDF below
Simple-to-use 6-session programme for Smash Play junior-tamariki, outlining how to combine weekly sessions together to create a fun and engaging programme over multiple weeks.
Download the PDF below