Smash Play hits the mark in Canterbury Country
By NZC Friday 23 August 2024, 09:55 am

A strategic approach has allowed Canterbury Country Cricket Association (CCCA) to provide flexible playing opportunities for their entry-level cricketers.

Introduced in the 2023-24 season, Smash Play junior-tamariki replaced Superstar Cricket, the previous entry-level programme for young cricketers across Aotearoa.

For tamariki aged 5 – 7 years old in Canterbury Country, Smash Play brought with it 40 new games to support social and skill development.

What is Smash Play junior - tamariki? (PDF)

CCCA introduced an approach that saw Smash Play games in Term 4 transition into club-run ‘Smash Play Section Four’ matches in Term 1.

The matches were run locally at cricket clubs - meaning less travel for families and allowing for a natural transition from games into playing a team-based format of cricket.

These matches were purposefully modified to allow tamariki the opportunity to better understand the new format and continue their focus on skill development.

CCCA further supported the transition by attending the first two weeks to help the new coaches out.

Additionally, CCCA kept their existing Saturday competitions for clubs who preferred to play their cricket on weekends.

CCCA Cricket Development Manager, Tim Gruijters, said the new approach had been a winner.

“We have seen a positive response from clubs on the new approach,”

“In Term 1, we gained 20 news teams, 10 in section 4 on a Saturday, and 10 in the Smash Play Section Four games,”

“Keeping the cricket at the same place and time has helped players and parents understand the game, as well as allowing for an easier transition from Smash Play in Term 4.”

Gruijters was quick to acknowledge local club volunteers for the success of this new initiative.

“It all comes down to the clubs, CCCA are lucky to have volunteers wanting to try new ideas and grow cricket in the area,” said Gruijters.

“Clubs that ran it last year have seen the benefit, and will tweak it a little to improve it even further,”

“We will continue to offer both options and help support our clubs where possible”.

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