Setup, Equipment & Instructions
- Split Players into two even teams – one batting and one fielding / bowling. Split the playing area into two circles, an inner circle for the fielding team and an outer circle for the batting team.
- Two Players from the batting team bat together, with the remainder 'fielding' in the outer circle to assist their teammates. The fielding team attempt to stop runs in the inner circle.
- The batters attempt to score runs by hitting the ball to their teammates who can stand anywhere in the outer circle.
- If the ball is hit in the air for a batting teammate to make a catch in the outer circle, they score 4 runs. If the ball is fielded on the ground or bounce by a teammate in the outer circle, the score is 1 run.
- If the fielding team intercept the ball in the inner circle, runs are taken off the batting team’s score. A catch is minus 4 runs, a ground interception, minus 1 run.
- Batters can add to their run total by running between the wickets.
- Fielders can dismiss batters by running them out.
- Play alternating innings of a set number of overs. Each batting pair bats for one innings.