Super Quick Hands | Ringa Kamakama

10 minutes
Skill focus
Level 3
Group size
Small, Large & at Home
Smashies need to use quick hands to field the ball as a wicketkeeper and tap it against their Smashie statue. The quickest Smashies scores a point.
Setup, Equipment & Instructions
  • Split Smashies into teams of three, with each team playing against a team next to them.
  • A Smashie team consists of an underarm thrower, a wicketkeeper and a Smashie Statue.
  • The Smashie thrower must underarm throw the ball between the cones on either side of the Smashie Statue.
  • The wicketkeeper must move to catch the ball. Once the catch is made, they gently tap the ball against the Smashie Statue who yells “SMASH”.
  • The game is a race, whoever yells “SMASH” first wins a point. Smashie’s rotate between the three positions each time.

Other details