To learn more about the Umpire Pathway in New Zealand, click below:
Umpire Recruitment Lead: Doug Cowie - dcowie@aucklandcricket.co.nz (021 0299 6872)
Umpire Training Lead: Doug Cowie - dcowie@aucklandcricket.co.nz (021 0299 6872)
Regional Scoring Lead: Annette Campbell - annettec48@xtra.co.nz (021 040 0422)
MA Umpire Recruitment Lead: Luan Kloppers - luan@ndca.co.nz or (021 1122 195)
MA Umpire Training & Scoring Lead: Luan Kloppers - luan@ndca.co.nz (021 1122 195)
Regional Umpiring Leads/Contacts:
Northland: Geoff Ogle - geoffogle@xtra.co.nz (021 040 8640)
Counties Manukau: Phil Norvill - phil@aciprint.co.nz (021 208 0437)
Hamilton: Phil Norvill - phil@aciprint.co.nz (021 208 0437)
Waikato Valley: Phil Norvill - phil@aciprint.co.nz (021 208 0437)
Bay of Plenty: Chris James - umpiresbop@gmail.com
Poverty Bay: Jason Trowill - jtrowill@gmail.com (027 224 9027)
MA Umpiring Lead: Regan Combe - comberegan@gmail.com (021 147 5815)
MA Scoring Lead: Duncan Mitchell - dunmit@xtra.co.nz (027 433 1285)
Regional Umpiring Leads/Contacts:
Hawkes Bay: Glen Walklin - gwalkin@rmhb.co.nz (027 225 5905)
Horowhenua/Kapiti: AJ Majeed - vpmajmal@gmail.com (021 257 2103)
Manawatu: Brydon Broadley - brydonb@gmail.com (027 816 7666)
Marlborough: Dave Paterson - panes@kinect.co.nz (020 400 91297)
Nelson: Neil Capstick - neil.sue@cappy.kiwi (027 288 8234)
Taranaki: Tony Boshier - boshierclan@xtra.co.nz (027 335 9613)
Wairarapa: Mark Elliot - mark.sheryn@xtra.co.nz (027 789 0707)
Whanganui: Cliff Tootell - clifftootell@gmail.com (021 197 4112) & Scott Oliver - scott@treadgord.co.nz (0273535694)
MA Umpire Recruitment Lead: Jeremy Busby - busbyjm@mail.com (027 291 1230)
MA Umpire Training Lead: Jeremy Busby - busbyjm@mail.com (027 291 1230)
Head of Community Cricket (Coach and Officials): Matt Wilson - Matt.Wilson@cricketwellington.co.nz (0272773858)
MA Umpire Training Lead: David Henderson - bigdavehenderson@gmail.com (021 188 5317)
MA Scoring Lead: Tony Feely - a.feely@xtra.co.nz (021 134 1462)
Regional Umpiring Leads/Contacts:
CCUSA: David Henderson - bigdavehenderson@gmail.com (021 188 5317)
Canterbury Country: Peter Devlin - peter@canterburycountrycricket.co.nz (027 4367 057)
South Canterbury: Mark Medlicott - sccricket@xtra.co.nz (027 269 8654)
Buller: Barry Townrow - towny@xtra.co.nz (027 435 7880)
MA Umpire Recruitment Lead: OCUSA Committee - dadofzephyr@gmail.com (021 069 6109)
MA Umpire Training Lead: Allan Faithful - umpire@southlandcricket.co.nz (027 304 7772)
MA Scoring Lead: Malcom Jones - thesnowdons9@gmail.com (027 522 6300)
Regional Umpiring Leads/Contacts:
Dunedin: Kannan Jagannathan - kannansjk@gmail.com (021 048 2133)
Southland: Allan Faithful - umpire@southlandcricket.co.nz (027 304 7772)
North Otago: Derek Walker - derekwalkernoca@gmail.com (027 338 6890)
Otago Country: Allan Faithful - umpire@southlandcricket.co.nz (027 304 7772)
Have you always watched cricket from the boundary or on TV and made those crucial decisions?
Why not back that up by becoming an umpire or scorer and learning the “Laws of Cricket” or “How to score”. Remember, a game of cricket cannot happen without the third team on the field.
If you are interested, use the contact details below and make your first great decision this summer!